The purpose of the Master of Arts degree in Criminology & Criminal Justice is to provide education in Criminology & Criminal Justice with a special emphasis on:

  • preparing students for the doctoral degree
  • teaching at the college or university level
  • research, statistics, and planning in the university or any federal, state, or local criminal justice agency dealing with the prevention, control, and/or correctionalization of crime and delinquency


The general requirements governing admissions, standards of work, etc., which are contained in the General Regulations of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies apply to all students working toward the M.A. in Criminology & Criminal Justice, except that a student must have an undergraduate G.P.A. of 2.75 and be recommended for admission by the School of Criminology and Security Studies.

Students applying for admission to the M.A. degree program in Criminology & Criminal Justice must also have completed the following undergraduate courses or their equivalents (18 credits total):

  • Criminology (CRIM 200) -- 3 credits
  • Juvenile Delinquency (CRIM 423) -- 3 credits
  • courses in Sociology, Psychology, Political Science -- 12 credits                    

Criminology 200 and 423, or their equivalents, must be taken as undergraduate courses prior to admission to the graduate program.  However, a student will be able to take six credits of undergraduate Criminology & Criminal Justice plus six credits of graduate work in other departments under a tentative admission status.  The twelve credits of courses required in the social sciences may be taken for undergraduate credit at the same time as graduate courses are taken toward the degree.


1. Satisfactory completion of at least 33 credits of graduate work.

2. Completion of the following 24 credits of course work in the school.

  • Criminology 640 (3 credits) - Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • Criminology 601 (3 credits) - Seminar: Criminological Theories
  • Criminology 606 (3 credits) - Seminar: Research in Criminology
  • Criminology 607 (3 credits) - Seminar: Law and Society
  • Criminology 608 (3 credits) - Seminar: Law and Criminal Justice Administration
  • Criminology 699 (6 credits) - Master's Thesis
  • 3 credits of statistics taken from any major

3. Six credits must be earned from the following:

  • Criminology 602 (3 credits) - Correctional Counseling
  • Criminology 603 (3 credits) - Correctional Group Therapy
  • Criminology 604 (3 credits) - Police Problems and Practices

    Three credits of which may be selected from:

  • Criminology 609 (3 credits) - Criminal Justice Organization and Management
  • Public Administration 601 (3 credits) - Proseminar in Public Administration
  • Public Administration 605 (3 credits) - Organizational Behavior in Public Agencies

4. Three additional credits of graduate study inside or outside the school.

5. Culminating experience: successful defense of the student's thesis.

THESIS REQUIREMENTS: The student's attention is specifically directed to the section of "Thesis and Dissertation" in the "Students" area of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Compliance with these requirements is the student's responsibility.

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Policy
How to submit an ETD
ETD Thesis Template

For additional information or questions please contact our graduate coordinator, Dr. Shannon Barton.  Email:

School of Criminology and Security Studies


School of Criminology and Security Studies
Holmstedt Hall 210
620 Chestnut St
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Phone: 812.237.2192
Fax: 812-237-2407
Google Map: Holmstedt Hall (HH)